In the lives of novelists, there are probably five times when they feel truly exhilarated. The first is when the final strokes of the manuscript are done. The second is when the ink dries on a publishing contract. The third is holding the first copy of the book in their hands. The fourth is learning that they have won a literary prize. But the fifth, and perhaps the best, is signing a contract to option their work for film adaptation. That last thrill has arrived with my signing of the contract with Original Pictures of Toronto for the adaptation of Quill of the Dove for a television limited series. A huge shout-out goes to Anna van Valkenburg, associate publisher at Guernica Editions, for pitching the novel to Original Pictures at Ontario Creates' Page to Screen three months ago and to Nicholas Hirst, CEO of Original Pictures for believing in Quill of the Dove. And below is the beautiful press release they issued this morning. I am still in a state of shock over the news :) All the Best,
Toronto (3 June 2019) — Ian Thomas Shaw's political thriller Quill of the Dove is being optioned by TV and film producer Original Pictures.
Quill of the Dove (published by Guernica Editions in 2019), an intricate blend of literary fiction and political thriller, attempts to batter down the stereotypes and clichés about the Middle East. The novel is inspired by Shaw's experiences living, studying and working in the Middle East at various times since the late 1980s.
The New York Journal of Books wrote of Quill of the Dove, “In this riveting novel, Shaw succeeds in bringing to life for the reader the horrors the inhabitants of this war-torn region have been living through over numerous generations. All in all, a great five-star read!”
The Compulsive Reader (Australia) wrote, “[...] if Quill of the Dove is demanding initially, it is so in the best sense, like the Le Carre novels of the seventies and eighties. That’s a high bar, but Quill of the Dove stretches, clears and ultimately merits comparison with such company. A smart political thriller written in a tragic key, Shaw’s novel is testament to how rich the rewards of the genre can still be for the reader.”
Original Pictures CEO Nicholas Hirst said “Quill of the Dove provided the kind of characters and epic sweep of a story that was ideally suited for limited television series with a heroine who offers the potential for more than one season.”
Original Pictures is a Canadian production company built on the talents of its founder and president, Kim Todd, Emmy-award winner for Fargo, the limited series inspired by the Coen Brothers’ feature film. Original Pictures creates, develops and produces high-quality dramatic series and films working with the best writers, creators and directors. Kim is producing the third season of The Handmaid’s Tale.
Guernica Editions is an independent publisher established in Montreal in 1978 and currently located in Toronto. It specializes in Canadian literature, poetry, fiction and nonfiction. Named after Picasso's famous painting depicting the inhumane aerial raid that reduced the Spanish city of Guernica to ruins, Guernica Editions seeks to publish literature that has no borders and no limits.
For media and translation rights, please contact Anna van Valkenburg at annavanvalkenburg@guernicaeditions.com